package uk.org.lidalia.lang;
import static com.google.common.base.Preconditions.checkNotNull;
import static uk.org.lidalia.lang.Classes.inSameClassHierarchy;
* Convenience class for types that represent a higher level abstraction over a single lower level type; for instance
* a class representing a network Port might extend {@code WrappedValue} and pass an {@code java.lang.Integer} as the value.
* Provides implementations of {@link #equals(Object)}, {@link #toString()} and {@link #hashCode()} based on the value
* of the wrapped instance.
public abstract class WrappedValue {
private final Object wrapped;
protected WrappedValue(final Object wrapped) {
this.wrapped = checkNotNull(wrapped);
* @return the toString representation of the wrapped instance
public String toString() {
return wrapped.toString();
* Applies equality rules based on the value of the wrapped object.
* <ul>
* <li> normal rules in {@link Object#equals(Object)} - not equal to null, equal to same instance
* <li> other's runtime class must be the same, a super or a sub type of the runtime class of this instance
* <li> the value of the wrapped instance is the same as the value of the other's wrapped instance
* </ul>
* @param other the object to compare against
* @return true if the other type is logically equal to this
public final boolean equals(final Object other) {
if (this == other) return true;
if (other == null) return false;
if (!(other instanceof WrappedValue) || !inSameClassHierarchy(getClass(), other.getClass())) return false;
final WrappedValue that = (WrappedValue) other;
return wrapped.equals(that.wrapped);
* @return the hashCode of the wrapped instance
public final int hashCode() {
return wrapped.hashCode();