[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]
Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time |
201 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 5.833 |
Note: failures are anticipated and checked for with assertions while errors are unanticipated.
[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]
Package | Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time |
uk.org.lidalia.integration.sysoutslf4j | 24 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 2.001 |
uk.org.lidalia.sysoutslf4j.system | 72 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.954 |
uk.org.lidalia.sysoutslf4j.context.exceptionhandlers | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.001 |
uk.org.lidalia.sysoutslf4j.context | 59 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 2.504 |
uk.org.lidalia.sysoutslf4j.common | 44 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.373 |
Note: package statistics are not computed recursively, they only sum up all of its testsuites numbers.
Class | Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time | |
TestForClassloaderLeaks | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.782 | |
TestSysOutOverSlf4J | 19 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.046 | |
TestSysOutOverSLF4JInClassLoader | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.148 | |
TestSysOutOverSLF4JThreadSafety | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 1.025 |
Class | Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time | |
TestCallOrigin | 13 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.007 | |
TestLoggerAppenderProxy | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.009 | |
TestLoggerAppenderStore | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.004 | |
TestLoggerAppenderStoreMemoryManagement | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.164 | |
TestSLF4JPrintStreamConfigurator | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.306 | |
TestSLF4JPrintStreamDelegate | 8 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.159 | |
TestSLF4JPrintStreamImpl | 40 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.305 |
Class | Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time | |
TestLogPerLineExceptionHandlingStrategyFactory | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.001 |
Class | Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time | |
PrintStreamCoordinatorFactoryTest | 6 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.224 | |
TestClassLoaderUtils | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.018 | |
TestLoggerAppenderImpl | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.273 | |
TestLoggingSystemRegister | 6 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.312 | |
TestLogLevel | 11 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.017 | |
TestReferenceHolder | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.142 | |
TestSLF4JPrintStreamManager | 6 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.29 | |
TestSysOutOverSLF4J | 10 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.192 | |
TestSysOutOverSLF4JInitialiser | 8 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.876 | |
TestSysOutOverSLF4JServletContextListener | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.16 |
Class | Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time | |
TestExceptionUtils | 12 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.172 | |
TestReflectionUtils | 11 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.17 | |
TestStringUtils | 12 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.008 | |
TestSystemOutput | 7 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.007 | |
TestWrappedCheckedException | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.016 |
[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]
classLoaderCanBeGarbageCollectedAfterCallingSendSystemOutAndErrToSLF4J | 0.208 | |
multipleClassLoadersCanBeGarbageCollectedAfterCallingSendSystemOutAndErrToSLF4JWhenAllCreatedAndThenAllDestroyed | 0.572 |
printStackTrace | 0.008 | |
systemOutNoLongerGoesToSystemOut | 0.001 | |
systemOutLoggedAsInfo | 0 | |
systemErrLoggedAsError | 0 | |
logBackConsoleAppenderStillLogsToConsole | 0.001 | |
juliConsoleAppenderStillLogsToConsole | 0.005 | |
log4JConsoleAppenderStillLogsToConsole | 0.014 | |
printMethodsAreLogged | 0 | |
appendMethodsAreLogged | 0 | |
formatMethodsAreLogged | 0.001 | |
printfMethods | 0 | |
printStackTraceWithSysOut | 0.003 | |
innerClassLoggedAsOuterClass | 0.001 | |
registeredLoggingSystemCanStillGetToConsole | 0.001 | |
levelsAreConfigurable | 0 | |
stopSendingSystemOutAndErrToSLF4JSendsOutputToOldSystemOut | 0.001 | |
stopSendingSystemOutAndErrToSLF4JLeavesSLF4JPrintStreams | 0 | |
restoreOriginalSystemOutputsRestoresOldPrintStreams | 0 | |
methodsCanBeCalledMultipleTimes | 0 |
sysOutOverSLF4JWorksInsideAnotherClassLoader | 0.081 | |
systemOutStillGoesToSystemOutInClassLoaderThatHasNotSentSysOutToLSF4J | 0.065 |
asRuntimeExceptionThrowsIllegalArgumentExceptionWhenNullPassedIn | 0.017 | |
asRuntimeExceptionThrowsPassedInError | 0.002 | |
asRuntimeExceptionReturnsPassedInRuntimeException | 0.002 | |
asRuntimeExceptionReturnsPassedInCheckedExceptionAsCauseOfWrappedCheckedException | 0.002 | |
asRuntimeExceptionThrowsIllegalArgumentExceptionWhenInterruptedExceptionPassedIn | 0.003 | |
asRuntimeExceptionThrowsIllegalArgumentExceptionWhenInterruptedIOExceptionPassedIn | 0.002 | |
asRuntimeExceptionThrowsPassedInInvocationTargetExceptionsCauseIfError | 0.002 | |
asRuntimeExceptionReturnsPassedInInvocationTargetExceptionsCauseIfRuntimeException | 0.002 | |
asRuntimeExceptionReturnsPassedInInvocationTargetExceptionsCauseAsCauseOfWrappedCheckedExceptionIfCheckedException | 0.002 | |
notInstantiable | 0.002 | |
doUncheckedReturnsResultOfWork | 0.002 | |
doUncheckedThrowsCheckedExceptionAsRuntimeException | 0.068 |
notInstantiable | 0.017 | |
invokeMethodCallsMethod | 0.003 | |
invokeMethodThrowsNoSuchMethodExceptionNestedInIllegalStateExceptionWhenNoSuchMethod | 0.013 | |
invokeMethodCoercesExceptionToRuntimeException | 0.026 | |
invokeMethodWithArgCallsMethod | 0.002 | |
invokeProtectedMethodOnSuperclassWorks | 0.002 | |
invokeStaticMethodCallsMethod | 0.003 | |
invokeStaticMethodWithArgCallsMethod | 0.002 | |
wrapReturnsUnwrappedSLF4JPrintStreamIfInSameClassLoader | 0.003 | |
wrapReturnsWrappedSLF4JPrintStreamIfInDifferentClassLoader | 0.01 | |
wrapThrowsIllegalArgumentExceptionIfCalledWithObjectThatDoesNotHaveMethodsMatchingInterfaceSignature | 0.007 |
notInstantiable | 0 | |
substringBeforeReturnsStringBeforeSuppliedString | 0 | |
substringBeforeReturnsEmptyStringIfInputStringEmpty | 0 | |
substringBeforeReturnsEmptyStringIfSeparatorEmpty | 0 | |
substringBeforeReturnsInputStringIfSeparatorNotPresent | 0 | |
substringBeforeThrowsNullPointerExceptionIfInputIsNull | 0.001 | |
substringBeforeThrowsNullPointerExceptionIfSeparatorIsNull | 0.001 | |
stripEndStripsEnd | 0 | |
stripEndReturnsEmptyStringIfEmptyStringPassedIn | 0 | |
stripEndReturnsInputIfEmptyStripCharsPassedIn | 0.001 | |
stripEndThrowsNullPointerExceptionIfInputIsNull | 0 | |
stripEndThrowsNullPointerExceptionIfStripCharsIsNull | 0.001 |
valueOf | 0 | |
SYSOUTGetReturnsSysout | 0 | |
SYSERRGetReturnsSyserr | 0 | |
SYSOUTSetAltersSysout | 0 | |
SYSERRSetAltersSyserr | 0 | |
SYSOUTToString | 0 | |
SYSERRToString | 0 |
wrappedExceptionIsCause | 0.003 | |
wrappedExceptionIsCauseAndMessageIsMaintained | 0 |
testHandleExceptionLineDelegatesToLoggerAtInfoLevel | 0 | |
testHandleExceptionLineDelegatesToLoggerAtErrorLevel | 0 |
notInstantiable | 0.014 | |
getSlf4jPrintStreamConfiguratorClassReturnsClassFromSLF4JPrintStreamClassLoader | 0.071 | |
getSlf4jPrintStreamConfiguratorClassReturnsClassFromSystemClassLoaderWhenOnClassPath | 0.002 | |
getSlf4jPrintStreamConfiguratorClassReturnsLocallyLoadedClassAndWarnsWhenNotOnSystemClasspath | 0.023 | |
getSlf4jPrintStreamConfiguratorClassDoesNotWarnWhenLocallyLoadedClassIsNotLoadedByContextClassLoader | 0.008 | |
getSlf4jPrintStreamConfiguratorClassDoesNotWarnWhenLocalClassLoaderIsSystemClassLoader | 0.002 |
notInstantiable | 0 | |
loadClassLoadsClassFromClassloader | 0.016 | |
loadClassMakesClassNotFoundExceptionUnchecked | 0.001 |
appendNotifiesNotStackTrace | 0.03 | |
appendAndLogPrintsToPrintStreamIfInLoggingSystem | 0.003 | |
appendAndLogNonStackTraceLogsAndNotifiesNotStackTrace | 0.004 | |
appendAndLogStackTraceCallsExceptionHandlingStrategy | 0.004 | |
appendAndLogFlushesAndResetsBuffer | 0.004 |
isInLoggingSystemReturnsFalseWhenLoggingSystemNotRegistered | 0.007 | |
registerLoggingSystemRegistersALoggingSystem | 0.005 | |
unregisterLoggingSystemUnregistersALoggingSystem | 0.005 | |
registerLoggingSystemLogsThatItWasRegistered | 0.002 | |
unregisterLoggingSystemLogsThatItWasUnregisteredIfLoggingSystemRegistered | 0.002 | |
unregisterLoggingSystemDoesNotLogIfLoggingSystemNotRegisterdPresent | 0.001 |
valueOf | 0.01 | |
testLogStringLevelTraceDelegatesToLogger | 0 | |
testLogStringLevelDebugDelegatesToLogger | 0 | |
testLogStringLevelInfoDelegatesToLogger | 0 | |
testLogStringLevelWarnDelegatesToLogger | 0.001 | |
testLogStringLevelErrorDelegatesToLogger | 0 | |
testLogMarkerStringLevelTraceDelegatesToLogger | 0 | |
testLogMarkerStringLevelDebugDelegatesToLogger | 0 | |
testLogMarkerStringLevelInfoDelegatesToLogger | 0 | |
testLogMarkerStringLevelWarnDelegatesToLogger | 0 | |
testLogMarkerStringLevelErrorDelegatesToLogger | 0 |
notInstantiable | 0.001 | |
preventGarbageCollectionForLifeOfClassLoaderMaintainsInstance | 0.141 |
sendSystemOutAndErrToSLF4JMakesSystemOutputsSLF4JPrintStreamsWhenTheyAreNotAlready | 0.109 | |
sendSystemOutAndErrToSLF4JDoesNotMakeSystemOutputsSLF4JPrintStreamsWhenTheyAreAlready | 0.009 | |
stopSendingSystemOutAndErrToSLF4JDeregistersLoggerAppenders | 0.005 | |
stopSendingSystemOutAndErrToSLF4JLogsWarningIfSystemOutputsAreNotSLF4JPrintStreams | 0.003 | |
restoreOriginalSystemOutputsIfNecessaryRestoresOriginalPrintStreams | 0.004 | |
restoreOriginalSystemOutputsIfNecessaryDoesNotRestoreOriginalPrintStreamsIfNotSLF4JPrintStreams | 0.004 |
notInstantiable | 0.009 | |
sendSystemOutAndErrToSLF4JDelegatesToSLF4JPrintStreamManagerWithDefaultLevelsAndLogPerLineExceptionHandlingStrategy | 0.01 | |
sendSystemOutAndErrToSLF4JDelegatesToSLF4JPrintStreamManagerWithDefaultLevelsAndGivenExceptionHandlingStrategy | 0.004 | |
sendSystemOutAndErrToSLF4JDelegatesToSLF4JPrintStreamManagerWithCustomLevelsAndLogPerLineExceptionHandlingStrategy | 0.002 | |
sendSystemOutAndErrToSLF4JDelegatesToSLF4JPrintStreamManagerWithCustomLevelsAndGivenExceptionHandlingStrategy | 0.003 | |
stopSendingSystemOutAndErrToSLF4JDelegatesToSLF4JPrintStreamManager | 0.003 | |
restoreOriginalSystemOutputsDelegatesToSLF4JPrintStreamManager | 0.002 | |
registerLoggingSystemDelegatesToLoggingSystemRegister | 0.003 | |
unregisterLoggingSystemDelegatesToLoggingSystemRegister | 0.003 | |
isInLoggingSystemDelegatesToLoggingSystemRegister | 0.005 |
initialiseWithX4JuliRegistersLoggingPackageAutomatically | 0.095 | |
initialiseWithGrleaSimpleLoggerRegistersLoggingPackageAutomatically | 0.027 | |
initialiseWithSlf4jSimpleLoggerRegistersLoggingPackageAutomatically | 0.019 | |
initialiseWithLogbackLoggerLogsDebugMessageToSayNoRegistrationNecessary | 0.036 | |
initialiseWithNLog4JLoggerLogsDebugMessageToSayNoRegistrationNecessary | 0.02 | |
initialiseWithLog4JLoggerLogsDebugMessageToSayNoRegistrationNecessary | 0.021 | |
initialiseWithJDK14LoggerLogsDebugMessageToSayNoRegistrationNecessary | 0.021 | |
initialiseWithUnknownLoggingSystemLogsWarnMessage | 0.016 |
testContextInitializedCallsSendSystemOutAndErrToSLF4J | 0.07 | |
testContextDestroyedDoesNothing | 0.002 |
testGetCallOriginThrowsNullPointerIfCalledWithNoStackTrace | 0 | |
testGetCallOriginThrowsNullPointerIfCalledWithNoLibraryPackageName | 0.001 | |
testGetCallOriginThrowsIllegalStateExceptionIfCalledWithEmptyStackTrace | 0 | |
testGetCallOriginThrowsIllegalStateExceptionIfAllStackTraceElementsAreInTheLibrary | 0 | |
testGetCallOriginReturnsFirstClassName | 0 | |
testGetCallOriginIsNotStackTraceIfThrowableNotFirstElement | 0 | |
testGetCallOriginIsStackTraceIfThrowableIsFirstElement | 0 | |
testGetCallOriginReturnsFirstClassNameOtherThanThrowable | 0 | |
testGetCallOriginReturnsFirstClassNameOtherThanThread | 0 | |
testGetCallOriginReturnsFirstClassNameOutsideTheLibrary | 0 | |
testGetCallOriginIsStackTraceIfThrowableIsFirstElementOutsideTheLibrary | 0 | |
testGetCallOriginReturnsFirstClassNameOutsideTheLibraryOtherThanThreadOrThrowable | 0 | |
testGetCallOriginReturnsInnerClassesAsTheOuterClass | 0 |
wrapReturnsUnwrappedLoggerAppenderIfInSameClassLoader | 0.004 | |
wrapReturnsWrappedLoggerAppenderIfInDifferentClassLoader | 0.003 | |
wrapThrowsNestedNoSuchMethodExceptionIfInstantiatedWithWrongType | 0.001 |
loggerAppenderStoresRelativeToContextClassLoader | 0.001 | |
loggerAppenderStoreWorksIfContextClassLoaderIsNull | 0 | |
loggerAppenderStoreReturnsLoggerAppenderStoredAgainstParentOfContextClassLoader | 0 | |
loggerAppenderStoreReturnsNullIfNoClassLoaderStored | 0.001 | |
removeRemovesLoggerAppenderForCurrentContextClassLoader | 0 |
restoreOriginalSystemOutputs | 0.031 | |
replaceSystemOutputsWithSLF4JPrintStreams | 0.125 |
registerLoggerAppenderAddsLoggerAppenderToStore | 0.011 | |
deregisterLoggerAppenderRemovesLoggerAppenderToStore | 0.002 | |
delegatePrintlnUsesOriginalPrintStreamIfNoLoggerAppenderForClassLoader | 0.003 | |
delegatePrintlnCallsLoggerAppenderAppendAndLog | 0.006 | |
delegatePrintUsesOriginalPrintStreamIfNoLoggerAppenderForClassLoader | 0.001 | |
delegatePrintCallsLoggerAppenderAppendAndLogWhenMessageEndsWithUnixLineBreak | 0.002 | |
delegatePrintCallsLoggerAppenderAppendAndLogWhenMessageEndsWithWindowsLineBreak | 0.002 | |
delegatePrintCallsLoggerAppenderAppendWhenMessageDoesNotEndWithLineBreak | 0.002 |
appendCharDelegatesToDelegatePrint | 0.015 | |
printCharSeqDelegatesToDelegatePrint | 0.004 | |
printBoundedCharSeqDelegatesToDelegatePrint | 0.004 | |
checkErrorDelegatesToOriginalPrintStream | 0.009 | |
closeDelegatesToOriginalPrintStream | 0.005 | |
flushDelegatesToOriginalPrintStream | 0.005 | |
printBooleanDelegatesToDelegatePrint | 0.006 | |
printCharDelegatesToDelegatePrint | 0.005 | |
printCharArrayDelegatesToDelegatePrint | 0.005 | |
printDoubleDelegatesToDelegatePrint | 0.004 | |
printFloatDelegatesToDelegatePrint | 0.004 | |
printIntDelegatesToDelegatePrint | 0.004 | |
printLongDelegatesToDelegatePrint | 0.004 | |
printObjectDelegatesToDelegatePrint | 0.004 | |
printNullObjectDelegatesToDelegatePrint | 0.004 | |
printStringDelegatesToDelegatePrint | 0.002 | |
printNullStringDelegatesToDelegatePrint | 0.002 | |
printlnDelegatesToDelegatePrintln | 0.004 | |
printlnBooleanDelegatesToDelegatePrintln | 0.003 | |
printlnCharDelegatesToDelegatePrintln | 0.002 | |
printlnCharArrayDelegatesToDelegatePrintln | 0.002 | |
printlnDoubleDelegatesToDelegatePrintln | 0.003 | |
printlnFloatDelegatesToDelegatePrintln | 0.006 | |
printlnIntDelegatesToDelegatePrintln | 0.004 | |
printlnLongDelegatesToDelegatePrintln | 0.003 | |
printlnObjectDelegatesToDelegatePrintln | 0.002 | |
printlnNullObjectDelegatesToDelegatePrintln | 0.002 | |
printlnStringDelegatesToDelegatePrintln | 0.002 | |
printlnNullStringDelegatesToDelegatePrintln | 0.002 | |
writeByteArrayDelegatesToOriginalPrintStream | 0.003 | |
writeByteArrayIntIntDelegatesToOriginalPrintStream | 0.003 | |
writeIntDelegatesToOriginalPrintStream | 0.003 | |
formatLocaleStringDelegatesToDelegatePrintWithCorrectlyFormattedString | 0.015 | |
formatStringDelegatesToDelegatePrintWithCorrectlyFormattedString | 0.003 | |
printfLocaleStringDelegatesToDelegatePrintWithCorrectlyFormattedString | 0.003 | |
printfStringObjectArrayDelegatesToDelegatePrintWithCorrectlyFormattedString | 0.003 | |
setErrorThrowsUnsupportedOperationException | 0.002 | |
getOriginalPrintStreamReturnsOriginalPrintStream | 0.001 | |
registerLoggerAppenderDelegatesToDelegate | 0.007 | |
deregisterLoggerAppenderDelegatesToDelegate | 0.001 |